Today is the 3rd day of my darn study leave.. Finish my study? Nope kih3 ;p Still got a lot but naahh....nervermind..easy peasyyyyy hahahah sounds so confident ye kau noor ain! wey serious, just relax and be cool..try your best and all you can do is PRAY! ingat nih heeeeeeeeee....
Later in the evening (afternoon maybe ;p) me and Adik are going out to do some shopping. Yes the activity where girls love it to bits! Adik crazily persuade me to buy her pair of crocs (sale la kat isetan klcc kate kak jan! ;p) and me crazily want to buy Charles & Keith gladiator sandal and their wedges and pumps and flats and and la maybe only a pair of sandal would be fine (not!). Other than to fullfil our desire, I need to shop for segala ayam, ribs, ikan, sausages etc for Anas's BBQ party. He'll be having this BBQ party at PD with his bestfriends tonight. Motive? Before he go bye bye to Abu Dhabi laa..and ala-ala bachelorette party before his wedding la konon! Very the verangannn this fella..menyampah aku sudahlah tak ajak ponn kita pastu nak suh belikan barang-barang. bluwek
Alrighty, after everything of the above done, I will have movie night out with Kak Jan :D..nice huh?! Life is so full of fun when you are not working, shopping anytime you like and having fun like no other business! Owhhhh keep on dreaming noor ain coz you are going to work your ass hard to earn money and definitely will not stay at home goyang kaki and menembunkan badan like forever! Wake up! boo!
Happy weekend everyone! chill!
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