26 February 2009


Secara tiba-tiba jari jemari sungguh eager untuk menaip. Ahaaa! Good sign kah? I dunno. But after all the 'kusutness' I faced yesterday, after all the 'ngamukkan' I did to Anas (sorry sorry sorry la awak =( *sob*sob) and after all the tears I purposely dropped to let go all my anger, I decided to redah everything today, start searching for a better **** and nekad in doing anything! Yesssszzzzaaa!!!
I'm flying to Jakarta in 2 days time. I should be happy and excited bout it (tho yesterday kan sesuatu telah mematikan semangat utk ke Jakarta jua!!). This is the 3rd time and I'm soooo gonna have fun wasting money sesuka hatinya!Pedulik pedulik. 1 thing for sure is, beli barang-barang kawin (walaupon Along dah bising sebab still tak decide what theme colour, what design, what this, what that ;p) Teruk noor ain sekarang ek? Tah apa2! Heh
Sekarang ni, nak fikir what to buy for my Abah's, Mak's, Adik's and nephew's birthday (sume pon Feb!). Nak beli apa???Any idea? and next birthday pulak, Chot and Zati..aihh nak bagi ape ni??Tolonggggggg
Attention pls! : bulan March adalah harijadi si STORYTELLER jua! anda sudah fikir apa mau bagi saya? hahahaha!!! ( ok ok dun menyampah =D)


1 comment:

  1. wah...ceria and excited sungguh anda pagi ini!
    he he he he
